WARNING: You are about to enter the insights of a hormonal female who's own body has been providing food and shelter to another human being for nearly eight months. Proceed with caution.
Just incase anyone is wondering, pregnancy is hard. REALLY HARD. Like, the hardest thing I have ever gone through (physically, at least, which then contributes to the emotional hardship of it all.)
I was just reading the blog of a mother who used to get annoyed when new mothers would complain about how tired they always were.. and then she got pregnant herself. She realized that women are tired LONG before their babies are born, and that the whole 10 months prior to the birth of a baby, most moms hardly sleep at all, even though pregnancy is one of the times in a woman's life that she needs MORE sleep than normal. In the comments section of this woman's blog, another girl criticized her, saying she was overbearing, neurotic and needed to calm down and enjoy her pregnancy more.. I would just like to say, that if someone has never been pregnant, or has only had an "easy" pregnancy (that would be you, if you read about other pregnant womens' complaints and have no clue what they're talking about or feel no sympathy for them) then you have no right to judge the complaints of another mother. I should also add that even if you've been pregnant once, try it again and see the difference.. it's huge. And maybe you should have another pregnancy on top of taking care of your other two children. Try telling anyone after that that you aren't tired and have no complaints. I complain a lot, and trust me, I hold back! If I was constantly stating how crappy I felt, there wouldn't be a silent moment my entire pregnancy long. So next time you hear a mom voice her hardships, have sympathy. Someday, karma may make you regret being insensitive and unbelieving.