Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I am so glad my girls have eachother! I hope they grow up to be best friends. I can't wait until Farrah is old enough to really play with Lilly. I love having so many sisters. I just wish I was closer with them. I'm the 6th out of 7 children. There are 6 girls and 1 boy and he happens to be the sibling just older than me, putting a 5 year gap between myself and my 4 older sisters. Kind of a bummer! But my younger sister and I were really good playmates growing up. We were always either best friends or enemies. Now that we're grown, we're just best friends :) And now that I have kids like my older sisters the age gap has narrowed and we have plenty in common.
Every Morning :)

 Fourth of July with the only cousins from David's side so far (Lilly, Farrah, Cameron, Minnie, Jessica)

 Lilly. Our little Adventurer! She is always so curious. It's fun to look at the world through her eyes.

 Our happy little Farrah! (Smiling at her daddy) David was his mother's smiliest baby, and I was my mom's. We were bound to get one!

 Sweetest faces.

 Lilly loves Tinkerbell or "Bello" in her language. She made these wings at her 2 year birthday party.

 Lilly and David on the Merry-Go-Round in Heber during Fair Days.

Lilly watering our little back porch garden.

Life is sweet when surrounded by my loved ones! I'm so happy to be the mother of girls!

A Lesson on Introverts.. Like Myself

This post was originally going to be about something completely different, but then I found this website and decided I had to share. If you weren't aware, I am a massive introvert with Social Anxiety Disorder plus perfectionism, depression and anxiety (all clinically diagnosed, thank you very much!)... try that one on for size! The end result - a home body who is afraid of walking out the front door because one of my extra friendly neighbors may want to say hi to me on my way to the mail box. I am riddled with anxiety in just about any situation. I constantly think of the worst possible scenarios and a good amount of the time they seem to come true! So.. anyway :) incase you wanted to understand an introvert and why we seem so rude or strange, here you go!

*I originally saw this list here.
But I wanted to edit a few.


1. When you need to take breaks and recharge after socializing for too long.
2. When people mistake your thoughtful look for a resting b-word face. (People think you are judgemental because of this face.)
3. When your friend wants to invite more people over and you don't want to sound like a jerk by saying no.
4. When people say "How was your weekend?" and you think to yourself, "Great! I didn't see anyone for two whole days!"
5. Fearing that you are slowly turning into a hermit... who will likely die alone.
6. Having visitors stay with you is a nightmare because it means you have to be on at ALL TIMES.
7. When people stop inviting you to things because you keep canceling  plans.

8. Too many social obligations + no alone time = total grump.
9. When you're asked to do a group project and know that you're going to hate every minute of it. "I hate talking. To people. About things." (This also kills my perfectionism. Just let me do the whole thing alone, the right way, the first time.)
10. When your ride at a party doesn't want to leave early and no one seems to understand your distress.
11. When you hear "Wanna hang out?" and your palms start sweating with anxiety because the answer is "no" but you don't want to hurt their feelings.
12. When you hear "Are you okay?" or "Why are you so quiet?" for the umpteenth time just because you prefer to listen.
13. Trying to be extra outgoing when you flirt so your crush doesn't think you hate them. "Seriously, I just have resting b-word face.. it's not you."
14. That feeling of dread when the phone rings and you're not mentally/emotionally prepared to chat.
15. When you have an awesome night out but have to deal with feeling exhausted for days after the fact.
16. When people pressure you to be more social whether you like it or not.
17. When you're really excited to go out, but those feelings don't last long enough.
18. When you're trying to get something done but you can't because everyone else is talking.
19. When you bring something to do to a public place so no one will bug you, but other people take that as a conversation starter.
20. When people make you feel weird for wanting to do things by yourself.
21. When someone interrupts your thoughts and you get irrationally angry.
22. When people can't seem to grasp that being in SMALL groups is where you excel the most.
23. You just need to not talk to anyone for a while. And that's okay.

Luckily for me, I married an extrovert!
We make a good team.

Haha. He really is though ;)

(Look how cute he is!)

He loves to invite people over, to plan parties, to play games, to be out and about (and dress up, obviously!) He's helped me deal with my issues and pushes my comfort zones. If any of you are thinking to yourselves, "Oh no! I talk to Shelby too much!" or "I guess all those times we invited them over, Shelby really didn't want to be there," throw those thoughts away because they're not true. I find that even though I would like to say no or am nervous about being with people and going places, I really enjoy myself socially and am much happier afterward than I would have been if I had stayed home -even if I am exhausted after- ;) Your efforts are appreciated! Because if we waited for me to call and invite people to hang out, it would never happen. And I'd hate to miss out on all the fun things and people I have in my life now and in the future!